Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First few days

Hello friends and family.  I have finally moved into the trainee flat here in Hyderabad and figured out how to connect to the internet (it was a tricky process).  But let's start where my last post left off.  After writing, a couple of AIESECers and I went to see a movie at the new mall.  It is very modern and well air conditioned, which is very important.  The theater itself was pretty standard.  Halfway through the movie though, the lights came on and the reel stopped.  I thought the projector was broken but it turns out they have intermissions in their movies in India.  This way they can sell more snacks and give everyone a chance to stretch their legs...Not a bad idea.

Later that night, I did a homestay with Rishwin.  He (along with everyone else that I've met so far) is an extremely gracious and generous host.  We relaxed at his house and he showed me a great view of Hyderabad from the roof of his apartment complex.  The next morning we went out for Indian breakfast, which again, was delicious.  (From now on I'm not going to write how good the food is.  This should be assumed.)  I had a dosa, which is a crispy shell full of potato, onion and spices.  You dip this in different sauces.  Afterwards, Rishwin and I went back to his place for a few hours.  I watched some cricket on tv but I still don't understand it.  Hopefully I will learn how to play while I'm here.  My plan is to learn cricket and teach ultimate frisbee.

After stopping by at the AIESEC office and meeting more people, some of us went to a cafe.  To get there I had my first ride in an autorickshaw.  They are like little open-air pods with room for three in the back.  At the cafe we smoked hookah and talked about American movies and tv shows.  Luckily for me, a couple of the guys watch Lost, so we had a lot to talk about.  When we left the cafe it started to rain.  What began as a refreshing drizzle turned quickly into a massive downpour.  Within a minute or two the streets were like rivers and traffic was at a standstill.  Fortunately one of our friends who met up with us had a car so we were sheltered from the elements.  The plan was to stop by the office, pick up my suitcase and drop me off at the trainee flat, but we had to delay for an hour or so since we didn't want to go swimming.  We waited at another new mall and had dinner at McDonalds.  Hyderabad is a quickly developing city and there are several new malls and restaurants.  One of my new friends commented that he can't keep up with all the new establishments springing up seemingly overnight.

Once we were able to get my bags, the AIESEC Hyderabad president, Rishwin and I chilled for a while and had a few beers and some awesome Indian snacks.  Then they dropped me off at my new home for the next two months.  The flat is very spacious and has a good view of the neighborhood.  So far I have met two of my roommates, Anne from Kenya, with whom I share a room, and Iko, from Nigeria.  There are three more people living here that I will probably meet tonight.  After setting up my bed I was very tired so I tried to fall asleep.  The key word here is tried.  I have always had a hard time sleeping the first night in a new place, but the heat did not help.  There is a fan in my room, but India employs controlled power outages so it doesn't always work.  Also, there is a mosque right by my place and they broadcast prayers over the loudspeakers every five hours.  That plus babies crying, dogs howling, cats meowing, and roosters crowing made for a restless night.  Maybe I'll get used to it over time, but maybe I should just get earplugs. 

Today Anne took me on a short walk and showed me the ropes at the local market.  I bought some cereal, juice and mangoes.  Now I am waiting to be picked up to go over to the office of Pamencap, the company that I will be working for.  I am sitting on my bed, enjoying the cool breeze.  It turns out there are positives as well as negatives to the rainstorms here.  I miss everyone at home and hope all is well.  Red Wings up 2-0, woo!

 my room

 my view


  1. I like the photos, nice view. I also see your converse shoes, hope those are working out for you. Cricket is intriguing you should teach us when you return.

  2. oh man. i knew you were in india but i wasn't expecting that view from that room. i hope you come back with some recipes :)

  3. Hello Bradshmee (your new Indian name): Loved hearing from you again. these blog entries are a good way for us to learn what you have been experiencing. Keep sending photos too. I read you entries to grandpa sherwin at the rehab place. he's doing real good. mom said when she talked to you that you wont start working with the kids for a litle while. should give you more time for mangoes and interesting transportation experiences. remember to do the things you need to do to keep safe and healthy. would you say this has been what you expected thus far or totally different. keep up the communications, we cant wait to hear from you. Love Dad.


  5. one more thing..steve is so sad about the hawks.

  6. Hola Bradshmee. It's 85 here, but I guess not as hot as there. Sounds like your adventure continues in unexpected ways. I think you'll get used to the heat. Maybe you can get earplugs to help you sleep. I like the fact that in addition to meeting people from all over the world, you have some americans to hang with as well. tigers won again today, i think that 6 in a row. please send more photos, including your housemates. take care od yourself and have fun.

  7. Yes - you can begin the National Cricket League - NCL. You should be the commissioner. Just catching up now with your Blog. Sorry. Hey, Skype whenever you want. And we will try you soon. I do have one question. Is it true you will be starring in a Ballywood movie?
